Riverside City College MESA and Women in STEM Students Attend Nation's Largest STEM Diversity Conference

Nov 12, 2024
RCC MESA students at the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science

Seventeen Riverside City College (RCC) students recently attended the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, from October 31 to November 2. Among the attendees, 12 students represented RCC’s Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program, while five students were members of Women in STEM.

Funding for the MESA participants was provided by RCC MESA and RCC STEM Connect, while Women in STEM students received support from RCC STEM Connect and the Associated Students of Riverside City College-Inter-Club Council (ASRCC-ICC).

The SACNAS NDiSTEM Conference, renowned as the largest event dedicated to STEM diversity in the United States, aims to empower individuals from underrepresented communities to thrive and lead in STEM fields. The conference offered students the opportunity to attend:

  • Groundbreaking STEM research presentations
  • Professional development sessions designed to enhance career skills
  • Inspiring keynote addresses from leaders in STEM fields
  • A Graduate School & Career Expo Hall showcasing academic and professional pathways
  • Multicultural celebrations embracing diverse traditions

mesa students

The event fostered a supportive community where RCC students connected with mentors, industry professionals, and like-minded peers. They explored research and internship opportunities with companies, gathered insights on graduate programs, and networked with fellow STEM students presenting their summer research projects. This dynamic setting allowed students to engage with successful STEM professionals who shared personal stories of resilience and perseverance in overcoming challenges.

“Attending SACNAS was an invaluable experience,” said one MESA student. “It was inspiring to see so many people who look like me in STEM and to learn about the paths they've taken to succeed.”

The SACNAS NDiSTEM Conference underscores RCC’s commitment to supporting diversity in STEM and equipping students with the resources and networks they need to excel.