Volunteer Recognition

Your Commitment is Honorable
Volunteer/Student Service Hours
The latest submission period is open.
Congratulations on your campus and community service — action that impacts your academic
success and the community. As an active volunteer you may qualify for four different
levels of service awards, which we will be presenting at the Annual Volunteer Banquet.
Log your hours before the deadline to be considered.
Service hours can be counted for campus or community activity that you are not: 1) getting paid to accomplish, 2) getting class credit to accomplish, or 3) part of a disciplinary sanction or part of a legal contract. These are volunteer hours. Meetings, events, activities, conferences, etc.... that you attend or participate in as part of your club count as volunteer service hours.
Make sure you log your hours BEFORE the deadline each semester because late hours will not be counted. Also, when you graduate or transfer, you can complete the volunteer and leadership form to be added to your co-curricular transcript.
Contact Us
deborah.hall@rcc.edu and megan.bottoms@rcc.edu
Entry and Approval of Hours

Entry and Approval of Hours
Your hours will need to be approved, which can take time. Don’t wait until the last minute to log your hours to make sure they’re counted. You should know:
- Only 8 hours per day may be claimed for service hours. However, you can combine your recurring hours into one submission i.e... weekly club meetings that last for an hour ( 15 weeks x 1 hour = 15 hours for club meetings).
- You must specify a qualified approver, selected from a drop-down menu when you submit your volunteer hours
- Hours can be declined, e.g. if you select someone who cannot verify your hours
- Earning Recognition Award requires 100 or more approved hours
- Hour entered should be condensed as much as possible, e.g. meetings for an entire semester
Hours must be submitted BEFORE the deadline each semester - using this link rivasrcc.org

Banquet Service Awards
A recognition banquet is hosted once each academic year — you will receive an invite
if you submit 100 or more approved hours. The award you receive will depend on your
level of activity:
Bronze Award: 100-199 Hours
Silver Award: 200-399 Hours
Gold Award: 400+ Hours
Platinum Award: 200 hours each semester (Fall and Spring)