Student Government

Associated Students of Riverside City College (ASRCC)
ASRCC is the official student government of Riverside City College established to represent the rights and interests of RCC students. Our mission is:
Protect student rights and interests by advocating on all levels of governance, financing student activities and programs, and ensuring access to all student government affairs through a fair and representative process; providing a forum in which students may discuss issues, express their concerns, and encourage political participation; Promote and stimulate student involvement and awareness of the academic development opportunities available within the Riverside Community College District.
Why get involved?
ASRCC exists to cultivate leadership, advocacy, talent, professionalism, and a supportive and welcoming campus environment.
- Learn and develop leadership skills and principles that you will use in your future career
- Add experiences to resume that appeal to future employers
- Contribute to the campus and greater Riverside community and accumulate service hours
- Serve on campus, district, and state-wide decision making committees that impact the experiences of current and future students
- Qualify for scholarships and add the experience to your transfer applications
- Network with faculty, staff, administrators, community leaders, and fellow students to expand your connections
- There is also the part about having fun, meeting new people, and getting cool swag!
Judicial Branch | Forms |
Where the Work is Happening
We are looking for students interested in planning our traditional programs that happen consistently each month throughout the year including Tiger Pride, After Hours, Finals Survival, and spirit events. We meet weekly to plan out the details of each of these programs and discuss new spirit events and programs. If you're interested in joining, contact our director at
Wednesday 12:30 pm in Bradshaw Center, Hall of Fame.
The Executive Cabinet consists of the ASRCC President, Vice-President, Executive Treasurer, Secretary and the Committee Directors. Cabinet meetings discuss, set and apply laws, policies and procedures set forth in the ASRCC Constitution.
Friday 11:30 am in Bradshaw Center, Hall of Fame
The Inter-Club Council works with all our campus clubs, students and other organizations. Our role is to build bridges of ideas and communication, effectively advancing the existing ideals of our community or helping start something new.
Monday 9:30 am in Bradshaw Center, Hall of Fame
We are looking for students who are interested in cultural and heritage activities and events. We take pride in the various backgrounds and experiences that our students bring to campus and want to honor and celebrate those. We meet to plan activities, heritage, and cultural activities. Contact our directors at
Thursday 4pm in Bradshaw Center, Hall of Fame
The Public Relations Council works to present the RCC student college community at its finest. The PR Council reaches out to the public by creating everything from marketing events to social media posts to flyers that are circulated around campus. We are looking for students who are interested in promoting campus events, activities, and ASRCC initiatives. We are looking for people who are familiar with social media specifically Instagram, tiktok, Twitter, and Facebook, print media, digital media, graphic design, and potentially new avenues like YouTube and podcast. We meet weekly to go over content assignments, upcoming events, and plan out new media. If you're interested in joining, contact our director at
Monday 12:30pm in Bradshaw Center, Hall of Fame
Finding the best way to help students succeed at RCC is a constantly moving target. Work with us to find ways to make campus life better and more enriching for our community. We want to hear what you need to succeed at Riverside City College.
Tuesday 12:50 - 2 pm in Bradshaw Center, Hall of Fame
We are looking for students who are interested in planning large-scale and traditional programs like our Halloweentown, Homecoming, Bunny Hop, and banquet. We meet regularly to plan the event and logistics for these events. Contact our directors at
Monday 11:30 am in Bradshaw Center, Hall of Fame
See and experience student government in action. Our court upholds the ASRCC constitution, creates and maintains our bylaws plus we are instrumental in organizing free and fair elections — the backbone of any true democracy.
First and Third Tuesday 11:30am in Bradshaw Center, Hall of Fame
Branches of RCC Government
Executive Branch
Our role is to communicate between students and the administration, staff and faculty of RCC — advocating and enforcing the laws, policies and procedures set forth in the ASRCC Constitution. The branch consists of your ASRCC President, Vice President, Executive Treasurer, Secretary and Directors of the respective committees.
- Meet the TeamExcel Sheet
- Application for President and Vice Presidentpdf
Legislative Branch
RCC Student Senators vote on college legislation, work with our $400,000+ college budget and attend student conferences throughout California. As a Senator you meet new people, boost your transcript to help you get into the college of your dreams and receive priority registration.
All ASRCC Senators are responsible for representing 500 students each. The maximum
number of senators allowed is established by the RCC Student Activities Coordinator(s)
at the beginning of each term. A senate term runs from the first day after the end
of the spring semester and until the last day of the following spring semester.
A Senator shall:
- Be an active member of ASRCC and RCC must be their home college of record
- Must have completed a minimum of six (6) units at RCC prior to election or appointment
- Must maintain a minimum of six (6) units during their term, with those six (6) units at RCC
- Must have a minimum GPA of 2.4 for coursework completed at RCC
- Must attend a parliamentary workshop every semester
- Must attend a minimum of three (3) Senate outreach events per semester
Senate Elections and Vacancies
Senators shall be elected by the student body using the approval voting method. Seats
shall be filled by the candidates receiving, in descending order, the highest number
of votes.
Judicial Branch
Judicial powers of the Association is vested in the City College Supreme Court. There
shall be five (5) Justices, each having one (1) vote on all matters before the Court.
Associate Justices perform judicial functions, but are not otherwise considered members
of the Judicial Branch.
Online Documents
The Supreme Court currently uses Google Drive to store electronic Supreme Court Documents
so they are organized and students are able to view the documents; including meeting
agendas, minutes and our organizational bylaws.
Qualifications for Justices
- Must have minimum 2.0 GPA from prior semester’s work before appointment
- Must maintain minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA during term of office
- Must be enrolled and maintain at least six (6) units during term of office
- Must have complied with all appointment procedures
Term of Office
Justices shall be appointed to a two (2) semester term. Terms shall not exceed the
six (6) semester limit of total Student Government participation. Associate Justices
shall be appointed to single-semester terms.
Duties and Powers
The Supreme Court shall:
- Decide, by majority vote, all impeachment trials of Senators and Cabinet officers and shall issue its opinion within fifteen (15) days of receiving the articles of impeachment, or the impeached officer shall be exonerated
- Impeach Justices and Associate Justices, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote
- Hear all grievance matters, interpreting the ASRCCD Constitution and Bylaws, and reviewing the legality of any Student Government action, upon receiving a grievance form from an Association member
- Administer all City College elections
- Hold at least three (3) open forums each semester, to encourage Student Body debate about issues and awareness of candidates for Student Government offices and their positions, and to bring student concerns and complaints to light, and shall submit their findings to the Senate, in writing, within five (5) days after each forum
- Assign Justices to accompany any requesting Association member to informal grievance hearings beyond the Association’s jurisdiction.
The officers of the City College Court shall include a Chief Justice, a Chief Justice
Pro Tempore, and such others as the Court shall authorize. No one shall hold more
than one Court office simultaneously. The Chief Justice and the Chief Pro Tem shall
be elected by the Court from among the Justices, with Presidential and Senate approval.
The Chief Justice Pro Tempore shall serve as the assistant to the Chief Justice and,
in case of his or her absence, shall assume all duties, rights and privileges of the
Chief Justice. He or she shall preside over any impeachment trial of the Chief Justice.
Inter-Club Council
The Inter-Club Council works with all our campus clubs, students and other organizations. Our role is to build bridges of ideas and communication, effectively advancing the existing ideals of our community or helping start something new.
Director/Volunteer Interest Form
President/Vice President Application (Elections every Spring Semester)
Senate Application
ASRCC Event Planning Worksheet
Budget Request
Budget Requisition
Club Awards Packet
Club Advisor Guide
DMV Clearance / District Driver Authorization
EC and Honors Record Form
Event Safety Procedures
Field Trip Emergency Information Form
Field Trip Private Vehicle Use Form
Field Trip Release and Waiver of Liability
Field Trip Request Form
Field Trip Student Excursion Contract
Food Authorization
Fundraising Form
Hold Harmless Agmt (& Ins. requirements)
Homecoming Nomination Form
Monthly Mileage Report
New & Returning Club Registration
Photo Release
Private Vehicle Use Form
Raffle/Oppty Drawing Info and Forms
Requisition for Trust Accounts
Standard Liability Waiver
Student Activities Event Form
Transfer Requisition
Trust Card