Whether you are enrolled in online, hybrid, or in-person classes, our faculty and staff are committed to your success and keeping your academic career on track. Our goal is to help you remain connected to RCC. Academic and support services are just one click away. 


Below is a list of student services programs offering online resources as well as services designed to help students succeed. For a full list of all student support services, visit Student Support. ​

Student Service Services and Information
Academic Engagement Centers​
Academic Support

Online tutoring appointments can be made through https://riverside.mywconline.com/

Admissions & Records

General Admissions & Records Info Line: (951) 222-8600 (leave a message and you will receive a call back)

Bookstore Visit the Bookstore online at https://rcc.bncollege.com/
CANVAS To access Online Course information click on the CANVAS link
Career Center Visit the Career Center website​ for additional information
CARES Act  Are you experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19? You may be eligible for funds through the CARES grant fund. Visit the CARES Act page for more information.
Counseling & Academic Advising

Counseling Webpage

  • ​Contact Pathway Counselor via Counselor email
  • Scheduling Counseling​ Appointments​ - appointment scheduling is available through the link on the counseling webpage​​
  • Student Educational Plans: Please access and view in EDUNAV
  • Counseling Email: criverside@rcc.edu​ Counseling Educational Advisors will monitor and reply to generic counseling-related questions
Phone: (951) 222-8440
COVID-19 RCCD has developed a COVID19 webpage to provide current information about the recent developments of the (COVID-19) pandemic and the actions RCCD is taking.  
Disability Resource Center​

For accommodations please send an email to drc@rcc.edu​ from your RCCD email.

  • You may also call the DRC at (951) 222-8508
  • For ASL Interpreting, please call (951) 801-5675 or Patti Carpenter (951) 222-8825 
Dual Enrollment

EOPS counseling appointments/workshops are being conducted through Zoom. 

  • To schedule an appointment, please call (951) 222-8045 or email us at eops@rcc.edu​
  • CalWORKs mid-semester check-in appointments are conducted by phone. Staff will call to schedule your phone appointment. For more information call Ms. Katie Toler at (951) 328-3701
Evaluations Email Evaluations@rcc.edu or call (951) 222-8610 (leave a message and you will receive a call back)
Financial Aid

Most Financial Aid tasks (e.g. FAFSA, forms, etc.) can be completed online on our portal at https://rcc.verifymyfafsa.com

Food Pantry

Food Insecure frequently asked questions

Foster Youth and Guardian Scholars

Visit the Guardian Scholars website for additional information. 

  • Laptops will be checked out to students as needed. A flyer is available with free local Wi-Fi zones in the area. Counseling appointments available through Zoom online.
  • Please call (951)222-8937 to schedule an appointment. 
  • Staff are using the Group Me account for immediate communications/announcements. 
  • For question contact Jeremy Johnson Jeremy.johnson@rcc.edu or call (951) 222-8251
RCC Library

​Library Website

Relief and Assistance

As part of the RCC community you have access to the services and education you need to maintain your well-being to succeed in college. Visit the Relief and Assistance page for more information.

Student Employment

Please visit the Student Employment website or call (951) 222-8710 regarding how to submit your timesheets​

  • Questions? Email us at: studentfinancialservices@rcc.edu
  • RCC financial aid and student employment line: call (951) 222-8710 and leave a message, you will receive a call back.
Student Engagement Centers
Student Health Services Please visit the Student Health Services Website for available services
Student Help/Knowledge Check out the frequently asked questions page. If you don't see your question, contact the Admissions & Records office at (951) 222-8600 (leave a message and you will receive a call back)
Support while at home For those who may be worried about quarantining in a home where they do not feel safe, help is available from the National Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7/365 at @ndvh by chat or by calling their hotline at 1-800-799-7233
Transfer Center Visit the Transfer Center website for additional information.

Free Online Tutoring with RCC Tutors Via Zoom

Free Online Tutoring 24/7 Via Smarthinking

  • Students can access tutoring with many subjects being offered on a 24/7 basis by using Smarthinking, an additional online resource. See attachment for course availability
Undocumented Student Support

RCC Undocumented Students
The California Dream Act, and RCC’s DREAMers program, help non-resident and undocumented immigrants realize their dream by applying state grants, fee waivers and scholarships for qualifying students. 

Please visit the Undocumented Students website for more resources.


The Senate and House passed S.3503 and the bill will be headed to POTUS to sign, which will give the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) the authority to continue GI Bill payments uninterrupted in the event of national emergencies.

Please visit the Veterans website for available services or contact them directly.

VA Education Call Center 1-888-442-4551 (between 8am-7pm EST, Mon-Fri.)
Welcome Center

If you are a new student, Application, Orientation and Counseling can be completed online. For help with any of this, you can visit the Welcome Center online or contact them directly.