Recent RCC Graduate Selected to Study Swahili in Arusha, Tanzania

Jun 08

Riverside City College (RCC) alum Henry Yu has closed a remarkable chapter in his academic journey as a recent graduate. Yu maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout his studies and earned an Associate's degree in Cybersecurity this spring. While at RCC, he engaged in a study abroad program in Belize and completed a nine-month internship with the Riverside County IT department.

Yu recently received exciting news: the US Department of State has awarded him a fully funded summer program to study Swahili in Arusha, Tanzania. This prestigious opportunity, part of the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program, selects only twenty-six college students nationwide each year. The program, scheduled for this summer, includes intensive language classes and cultural immersion experiences, including stays with host families and interactions with local college students.

Reflecting on his RCC experience, Yu expressed gratitude for the education and opportunities that prepared him for this achievement. He highlighted RCC's pivotal role in his journey and acknowledged the Career Center's support in preparing for his upcoming adventure by supplementing his wardrobe with business casual attire from the Career Closet.

Yu's achievements highlight the opportunities and support available at RCC.