Fall 2022

Vaccination & Masking Requirement Lifted
Wearing Masks is Strongly EncouragedThe Board of Trustees' Resolution No. 07-22/23 (approved on September 8, 2022) has ended the mandates for vaccinations and masking.
Welcome Tigers! The Fall Semester begins August 22 and ends December 17. We're excited you are joining us this semester. Check out this page for helpful information, answers, links and resources. Have a question you don't see answered here? Contact The Welcome Center at (951) 222-8574 or email outreach@rcc.edu.
Dear Campus Community,
I am writing to you today to inform you that RCC will continue its indoor mask mandate for all campus facilities. To date, Covid-19 case rates are not declining sufficiently for this mandate to be lifted. We continue to monitor conditions carefully, and will consider relaxing the mandate as soon as data trends improve significantly.
In addition to our extremely high vaccination and booster rates among students and employees, and our continued regular testing of those campus community members who are not vaccinated, we requiring masks indoors will help us decrease the number of cases within our campus community.
In addition to masking indoors, we will continue to enforce the required daily symptom screener to obtain a pass to access campus facilities.
Thank you all for your understanding and continued vigilance as we respond to the ever-evolving circumstances of this pandemic.
Gregory Anderson
RCC College President
June 9, 2022
Vaccination & Masking Requirement Lifted
Dear RCCD Personnel,
At the special board meeting held on Thursday, 9/8, at 5:00 PM, the RCCD trustees
discussed the current masking mandate and approved an addendum to rescind the masking
mandate and instead strongly encourage students, employees, and visitors to use masks
when indoors at District facilities. The decision reached by the board is to be implemented
with immediate effect.
Even though the masking mandate has been lifted, the District is expected to align its policies with federal and state laws and with recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal OSHA), and the Riverside County Department of Public Health (RCDPH). In alignment with the policies and recommendations of the organizations listed, the District will continue tracking and reporting any COVID-19 infections, and will continue notifying people who have been in close contact with students, employees and campus visitors who have been infected. Rest assured, that the infection rate at RCCD campuses will continue to be carefully monitored. If rates of infection significantly change or the situation appears to merit further action, the board of trustees will be alerted, and they are prepared to make any necessary adjustments to the resolution. The overarching goal is to maintain a safe learning and working environment at the colleges and other District facilities.
Wearing Masks is Strongly Encouraged
An atmosphere of cooperation and respect should be maintained in all interactions
between students, employees, and visitors. While federal, state, and local health
authorities, and the leadership of this District, collectively advocate and strongly
encourage people to wear masks, this should be done with kindness and sensitivity
to the unique needs of all members of this collegiate community. There are many concerns
and strongly held beliefs that have been expressed on both sides of the masking debate.
I urge you to act with abundant caution, wear masks when possible, and treat each
other with the utmost respect. Our collective mental and physical health is worth
our best efforts.
Reporting COVID-19 Infections is Required
Students who test positive for COVID-19, are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (fever
or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or
body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny
nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea), or have been identified as a close contact of
an infected person, are required to report this information using the student reporting
form for their respective colleges through the links provided here:
Moreno Valley College - https://forms.office.com/r/0KZvTNUtYN
Norco College - https://forms.office.com/r/AF488ANiSG
Riverside City College - https://forms.office.com/r/ihWXrfy10R
RCCD Employees who test positive, experience symptoms, or have been in close contact with someone who is infected are required to report this information using the employee reporting form.
Please note: The directions issued by the Colleges’ Student Health Centers, and RCCD's Risk Management Office regarding quarantines, isolation recommendations and masking will still apply when a student, employee, or visitor tests positive, experiences symptoms, or has been in close contact with someone who is infected. We will also continue to send out email notifications about COVID-19 outbreaks and changes to tracking and reporting recommendations in alignment with CDC, Cal OSHA and RCDPH.
As the pandemic wanes and the endemic continues, I am grateful for the work being done to keep our colleges safe, and our students, employees, and visitors healthy. This is a coordinated effort, and your adherence to our safety standards and policies is greatly appreciated.
Wolde-Ab Isaac, Ph.D.
RCCD Chancellor
COVID Updates
These are extraordinary times and we have learned that as the pandemic evolves and changes we must do the same. RCCD/RCC will remain vigilant in our efforts to stay informed of the most current local and federal guidelines, and everyone’s patience and cooperation are appreciated. While these are our current plans, they could change in the future depending on the course of the pandemic. Visit RCCD Safe Return for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Are vaccinations required?
- As of 8/2/2022 vaccinations are no longer required to enroll in courses.
- Are masks required to be worn on campus?
- No. Masks are highly encouraged, but not required to be worn. At the special board meeting held on Thursday, 9/8, at 5:00 PM, the RCCD trustees discussed the current masking mandate and approved an addendum to rescind the masking mandate and instead strongly encourage students, employees, and visitors to use masks when indoors at District facilities.
- How do I change my classes?
- Log into MyPortal and under Webadvisor, select registration. Changes in registration can be made through a system called EduNav.
- What does it mean if I am waitlisted for a class?
- If you are waitlisted for the class, you may become enrolled if enough people withdraw or drop the class.
- You are not guaranteed a spot on the roster.
- Contact the professor via email for more information.
- What do I need to do to add a class after the start of the semester?
- Once the class has started, if you would like to register for the class you will need to receive an add code from the professor.
- You may register for the class if you are given an add code by the professor.
- This is a four-digit number that is entered during the class registration process. Only professors can give out add codes.
- Once you get an add code, go into your schedule and add the class using the code you were provided.
- How do I know if my class is online or in-person?
- Online classes show ONL on the class schedule. In-person classes have a building and room number as well as a time and date associated with them on your schedule.
- What if I am locked out of MyPortal?
- If you have already set up a recovery email, simply select “can’t log into account” at the MyPortal log-in screen.
- If you have not, please contact the Welcome Center at outreach@rcc.edu or 951-222-8574, staff can reset the password virtually.
- How long do I have to change my classes?
- Each class has its own deadlines to add or drop. Please check the class information available on Edunav.
- How will dropping my classes affect me?
- Dropping classes can affect students’ standings academically as well as impact financial aid eligibility.
- If you are unsure about dropping a class, contact the counseling department and/or the financial aid department.
- Will students still be added into classes from the waitlist as soon as the drop process
- Students on a waitlist will be added as open spaces become available.
- Students on a waitlist will be added as open spaces become available.
- What if a student waits until after the administrative drop deadline to add a class?
- Students are only able to add full-term classes after the start of the term using an add code, if given one by the professor.
- Students are able to enroll in late start (8-week) classes through the normal online registration process.
- When will I get my financial aid/disbursement?
- Financial aid disbursement dates depend on when students complete their financial aid profile.
- Go to the financial aid website for more information about disbursements.
- Where do I go if I am having a problem with my financial aid?
- Answers to many questions are available on the Financial Aid page of the website.
- Student Financial Services contact information is (951) 222-8710 or studentfinancialservices@rcc.edu
- Where do I go if I need tutoring?
- RCC has a variety of tutoring services in-person and online. Cleared students can access tutoring services at the MLK building.
- Online students have access to various remote tutoring support.
- When is the Kane student services building open?
- Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm with extended hours Tuesday 8 am - 6 pm.
- Online resources can be accessed through http://rcc.edu/student-support/online-resources.html
- How do I get my ID card?
- Students who have been cleared to be on campus can get their student ID in Admissions & Records in the Kane Student Services building.
- Online students may request a student ID card that will be mailed to them.
- What is my Canvas log in?
- Canvas uses the single sign-on
- Username: student email address
- password: same as for MyPortal
- Canvas uses the single sign-on
- What if my class is not showing up on my canvas?
- Classes are not typically available on canvas until the first class meeting. If you have recently added the class, it can take up to 2 days for the class to appear on your account.
- How do I use my textbook voucher? I never received my textbook voucher.
- Students were sent emails by their programs with information about how to use the textbook vouchers. All questions about vouchers should be directed at your program.
- Is the free bus pass still available to students?
- Yes, all students enrolled in classes within the RCCD can ride RTA buses at no charge. Show your student ID or class schedule to board.
- If I need a laptop how do request a loaner?
- The library manages the laptop requests. Visit laptop resources for information.
- Do I have to pay for my Fall parking permit?
Fall semester virtual parking permits fees have been waived (no charge). Vehicle will still be required to register for a virtual parking permit. For more information, please visit Parking Services.