Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

Celebrating Our HSI Designation and Welcoming Hispanic Heritage Month
As we enter the vibrant and culturally rich month of Hispanic Heritage, Riverside City College is thrilled to welcome you to a series of engaging and celebratory events. From art exhibitions to interactive workshops, we have curated an exciting lineup to honor the invaluable contributions of the Hispanic community and embrace the diversity that enriches our campus.
Hispanic Heritage Month is not just a time for celebration; it is a moment to reflect on the profound impact of Hispanic culture on our society, history, and everyday lives. At Riverside City College, we take immense pride in our diverse community and the inclusive spirit that binds us together.
This month, we invite you to join us in recognizing Hispanic culture's achievements, contributions, and vibrant tapestry. Let us unite to learn, share, and celebrate the rich heritage that makes our institution a thriving cultural exchange and understanding hub.
Join us as we embark on a journey to celebrate the diversity that defines us and the unity that unites us. Let's make this Hispanic Heritage Month a time of inspiration, learning, and celebration that resonates within our community for years to come. Welcome to a month of festivities, learning, and cultural appreciation at Riverside City College!
A Full Month of Events
9/15 - 10/15 |
Digital LIbrary Latinx Heritage Month Display RCC Library gallery display and an online guide for Latinx Heritage month on Latinx culture and art: https://library.rcc.edu/LatinxHeritageMonth |
9/19 |
Aztec Dance Group, Makuil Ollin Ocelotl Aztec Dance Group Makuil Ollin Oceltl will perform in the Quad Courtyard. A Taco Truck will also be available while supplies last. |
9/21 |
ASRCC Lowrider Car Show ASRCC will host its annual Lowrider Car Show and photo display by Pete Gonzalez on Mine Okubo Ave. |
9/21 |
Discussion on Lowrider Culture Hon. Jorge C. Hernandez will discuss lowrider culture from a sociological lens, and RCC professor Michael Chavez, Ph.D., will discuss "Rasquachismo, Lowriders, and the Body." |
9/26 |
Uprising: Poesia De La Gente Uprising is a poetry and spoken word event featuring guest poet Donato Matinez and RCC's Wendy Silva. Uprising is also open to students, Classified Professionals, and faculty who want to read. |
10/5 |
Through the Lens: Tim Aguilar Discussion and Q&A session with photographer Tim Aguilar about the life of a skate photographer. |
10/10 |
Consuelo Kickbusch Consuelo Castillo Kickbusch is a renowned, charismatic, passionate, and influential speaker with a mission to empower the next generation of leaders. Throughout her career, Consuelo has shared her knowledge on becoming an effective leader in today’s global marketplace with hundreds of schools, colleges, universities, corporations, and government institutions both in the U.S. and abroad. |
10/12 |
Muralismo: Latinx Stories about Art and Culture in Riverside This panel features Latinx muralists from Riverside: Clarissa Cervantes, Juan Navarro, Rosy Cortez, and Raymond Argumedo. The event is a collaboration between La Casa, Puente, the Fine & Performing Arts Department, and the Association of Latinx Advocating for Student Success (ALASS). |