Music Technology

Prepares individuals for careers in music recording, music composition and music production using state-of-the-art music technology. Fulfills a portion of the Associate of Arts degree in Music.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students should be able to:

  • Assemble, mix and master complete MIDI/Digital Audio compositions and film scores.
  • Utilize MIDI/Digital audio software and hardware including computers, controllers, synthesizers, sequencers, samplers, effects processors, microphones and mixers.
  • Communicate effectively and work cooperatively with film directors and music producers. 
Required Courses (17 units)  Units
MUS-3 Fundamentals of Music  4
MUS-8A  Music Technology I  3
MUS-8B  Music Technology II 3
MUS-10  MIDI/Digital Audio Music Production 3



MIDI/Digital Audio Composition and Film Scoring 3



Sound Recording Techniques 3


Live Sound I 3


Keyboard Skills  Select 1 unit from the following:  
MUS-32A Class Piano I 1
MUS-32B Class Piano II 1
MUS-32C Class Piano III 1
MUS-32D Class Piano IV  1