Building Energy Systems Professional in HVAC Technology

This program offers the students the opportunity to learn the academic, occupational, communication, and technical training skills needed by entry-level technicians in the residential and commercial Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) industry. Students completing this degree will develop multiple skills that include real-world knowledge of Air conditioning and refrigeration theory and application, equipment tools, systems and components, duct and envelope testing, fundamentals of motors and capacitors, interpreting electrical diagrams, air supply, and delivery, system evacuation and charging, troubleshooting, equipment service, and installation, energy conservation, design, and safety. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students should be able to:

  • Describe multiple sustainable energy systems and how they are designed to support Zero Net Energy buildings. 

  • Identify the requirements for meeting energy code compliance. 

  • Demonstrate technical knowledge and skills needed to repair, install, service, and maintain residential and commercial HVAC systems in operating condition. 

  • Apply principles of mechanics, electricity, and electronics to the repair of residential commercial HVAC systems.

Required Courses (32-35 units) Units
EST-10 Industrial Calculations 3
EST-15 Zero Net Energy Building Science 4
EST-20 California Energy Codes 3
EST-30 Architectural Blueprint Reading 3
CAT-61 Professional Office Procedures 3
EST-200 Energy Systems Technology Work Experience 1-4
Electives   15
Elective Courses: (15 units) Units
AIR-61A Beginning Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 1 3
AIR-64A Beginning Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Electricity 3
AIR-75 HVAC/R System Designs 3
AIR-76 Facilities Maintenance – Chillers 3
AIR-77 Energy Conservation Methods for HVACR 3
AIR-84 Boiler and Hydronic Heating 3
AIR-90 Building Automation Fundamentals 3
EST-22 California Mechanical Codes 3

Associate of Science Degree

The Associate of Science Degree in Building Energy Systems Professional in HVAC Technology will be awarded upon completion of the degree requirements, including general education and other graduation requirements as described in the college catalog.

This Program Pathway will allow a full-time student to complete this program in 18-24 months. For students who require a part time pathway, please see a counselor for more information.