Film, Television, and Electronic Media

Film, Television, and Electronic Media
The Associate in Arts in Film, Television, and Electronic Media for Transfer degree is designed to prepare students to successfully transfer to the California State University System. This degree will satisfy the lower satisfy the lower division requirements for the eventual conferral of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Film, Television, and Electronic media; or a major deemed similar at a CSU campus. An Associates in Arts for Transfer Degree will be awarded upon successful completion of 18 units of FTV and FST and the general education requirements of one of the following IGETC, CSUGE. The intent of this degree is to assist students in seamlessly transferring to a CSU.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students should be able to:
- Demonstrate proficiency in the use of key technologies of motion picture and video production including cinematography, editing, sound recording and editing, and lighting.
Plan and produce film projects from concept to finished product, meeting industry standards for camerawork, sound, lighting, and editing and demonstrating understanding of filmmaking as an aesthetic, cultural, technological, and collaborative form of expression.
Identify the major elements of film expression: mise-enscene, the shot, editing, sound, narrative, and genre in film; perceive the historical, multicultural, and international technologies, traditions, and values that have influenced film's development; and apply college-level methods of research, analysis, and evaluation to film, and produce college-level essays and research papers.
Required Courses (18-18.5 units) | Units | |
FTV-38A | Beginning Film, Television and Video Production Project | 3 |
FTV-41 | Introduction to Telecommunications | 3 |
FTV-48 | Short Film Production | 3 |
FTV-71A | Beginning Sound Engineering for Audio in Media | 3 |
FST-1/1H | Introduction to Film Studies / Honors Introduction to Film Studies | 3 |
Electives A: Select one course from the following: | Units | |
FST-2 | Introduction to Television Studies | 3 |
FST-4 | Advanced Film, Television and Video Production Project | 3 |
FST-5 |
Telecommunications Work Experience
3 |
FTV-12 |
History of American Film
3 |
FTV-42 |
Writing for Broadcast Television
3 |
FTV-44A |
Beginning Television Production
3 |
FTV-64A |
Beginning Digital Editing Principles and Techniques
3 |
FTV-65 |
The Director’s Art in Filmmaking
3 |
FTV-72 |
Introduction to Lighting Design for Film and Television
3 |
FTV-79 |
Introduction to Special Effects Make-Up for Film, Television and Video
3 |
Associate of Science Degree
The Associate in Science in Film, Television, and Electronic Media for Transfer degree will be awarded upon completion of 60 California State University (CSU) transferable units including the above major requirements and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or California State University General Education (CSUGE) requirements and with a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of 'C' or better (or a 'P' if taken as Pass/No Pass).