Law, Public Policy, and Society

Law, Public Policy, and Society
This interdisciplinary degree is designed to facilitate the student’s seamless transfer from Riverside City College to the California State University (CSU) System with an Associate in Arts in Law, Public Policy, and Society for Transfer degree. This interdisciplinary degree highlights coursework that is appropriate for a student considering law school as it emphasizes the development of logical, analytical and communication skills, introduces students to the legal field, and provides preparation of further study in a variety of majors such as Philosophy, Economics, Political Science, Communication Studies, History, or Social and Behavioral Sciences. Students who opt to pursue this course of study are encouraged to engage in further exploration of one or more specific majors as they select electives for degree completion.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, students should be able to:
Evaluate current legal and social issues by applying the relevant judicial framework.
Analyze issues by applying relevant rules of law, ethical standards, and social mores.
Produce and evaluate arguments based on appropriate legal concepts and evidence.
Required Courses (25-27 Units) | Units | |
PHI-12 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
ENG-1A/1AH | English Composition / Honors English Composition | 4 |
Pol-1/1H | American Politics / Honors American Politics | 3 |
Select One: |
ADJ-1 | Introduction to the Administration of Justice | 3 |
ADJ-2 | Principles and Procedures of the Justice System | 3 |
ADJ-3 | Concepts of Criminal Law | 3 |
Select One: |
COM-1/1H | Public Speaking / Honors Public Speaking | 3 |
COM-6 | Small Group Communication | 3 |
Select One: | ||
ENG-1B/1BH | Critical Thinking and Writing / Honors Critical Thinking and Writing | 4 |
COM-2 | Introduction to Persuasion | 3 |
COM-3 | Argumentation and Debate | 3 |
Select One: |
MAT-12/12H | Statistics / Honors Statistics | 4 |
PSY/SOC-48 | Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences | 3 |
Select One: |
HIS-6/6H | United States History to 1877 / Honors United States History to 1877 | 3 |
HIS-7/7H | United States History from 1865 / Honors United States History from 1865 | 3 |
Electives - List A
Select two courses from two of the areas listed below. (Note: course must not have been used above)
Area 1: Administrative of Justice/Criminal Justice/Criminology | Units | |
ADJ-1 | Introduction to the Administration of Justice | 3 |
ADJ-2 |
Principles and Procedures of the Justice System | 3 |
ADJ-3 |
Concepts of Criminal Law | 3 |
ADJ-4 |
Legal Aspects of Evidence | 3 |
ADJ-5 |
Community Relations | 3 |
ADJ-8 |
Juvenile Law and Procedures | 3 |
ADJ-20 |
Introduction to Corrections | 3 |
SOC-20 | Introduction To Criminology | 3 |
Area 2: Business | Units | |
BUS-18A | Business Law I | 3 |
Area 3: Economics | Units | |
ECON-7/7H | Principles of Macroeconomics / Honors Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON-8/8H | Principles of Microeconomics / Honors Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
Area 4: Political Science | Units | |
POL-2/2H | Comparative Politics / Honors Comparative Politics | 3 |
POL-4/4H | Introduction to World Politics / Honors Introduction to World Politics | 3 |
POL-11 | Political Theory | 3 |
Area 5: Public Policy | Units | |
ETS-1 | Introduction to Ethnic Studies | 3 |
SOC-2 | American Social Problems | 3 |
ADJ-9/9H | Law In American Society / Honors Law in American Society | 3 |
POL-5 | Introduction to Law | 3 |
Area 6: Diversity | Units | |
ANT-2/2H | Cultural Anthropology / Honors Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
COM-12 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
GEG-2 | Human Geography | 3 |
SOC10/10H | Race and Ethnic Relations / Honors Race and Ethnic Relations | 3 |
SOC-25 | Introduction to the Sociology of Sex and Gender | 3 |
Area 7: College Success | Units | |
GUI-48 | College Success Strategies | 3 |
Area 8: Internship/Fieldwork | Units | |
ADJ-200 | Administration of Justice Work Experience | 3-4 |
Associate in Art for Transfer Degree
The Associate in Art in Law, Public Policy, and Society for Transfer degree will be awarded upon completion of 60 California State University (CSU) transferable units including the above major requirements and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or California State University General Education (CSUGE) requirements and with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of 'C' or better (or a 'P' if taken as Pass/No Pass).