Assessment Committee

Riverside Assessment Committee (RAC)


Riverside City College believes that learning not only encompasses the knowledge of discrete facts and concepts but also the demonstration of the ability to integrate facts and concepts in critical, creative, and practical ways.

Our mission is to improve student success and learning, thus helping the College fulfill its educational mission. The assessment process provides the college with evidence that allows it to strengthen the content and delivery of its curriculum and services by identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement. Assessment is more meaningful and likely to lead to improvement when students are committed to learning and the faculty and staff who deliver the programs and services own the process.​

Instructional assessment is conducted simultaneously at many different levels throughout the college. At the foundational level, classroom assessment is done by individual faculty within the context of individual classes. Formal and informal evidence of learning is collected and assessed. The results of the assessment are used to inform conversations and activities focused on improving student learning.

  • Institution-level Assessment
  • Program-level Assessment
  • Course-level Assessment
  • General Education Assessment
​​​The college’s assessment plan indicates that SLO, PLO, GE SLO, and SAO assessment is required at least once per strategic planning cycle. The Assessment Committee strongly recommends that PLO assessment occur at least twice per strategic planning cycle in order to best inform PRaP. ILO assessment occurs annually.​

Non-instructional assessment is conducted at the unit level using Service Area Outcomes (SAO’s). As with instructional assessment, evidence of progress for each SAO should be collected and assessed. The results of these assessment activities should inform improvement conversations at the unit, department, discipline, and College levels and provide evidence-based metrics which can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of processes and services.

  • Student Services Units
  • Administrative and Student Services

assessment cycle

Assessment Committee

Charge: The Riverside Assessment Committee (RAC) is a joint standing committee of the Academic Senate and the Governance, Effectiveness, Mission, and Quality Leadership Council. RAC’s mission is to improve student success and learning, thus helping the College fulfill its educational mission. As such, RAC:

  • Provides assessment training and disseminates assessment information
  • Provides support for development, implementation, and evaluation of course-level and program-level assessments
  • Conducts GE SLO assessments
  • Develops the college assessment plan
  • Facilitates the connection of assessment to curriculum revision and program review and planning
  • Resources for Faculty and Classified Professionals

Description and Chief Responsibilities: The Riverside City College Assessment Committee (RAC) is a standing committee of the Riverside City College Academic Senate as established by Article III, Section 5 of the Academic Senate By-Laws.

The Assessment Committee recognizes the dual purpose of assessment as both summative and formative. While the committee strives to meet the external accountability demands of the accrediting commission and acknowledges the role of assessment in college planning processes and resource allocation decisions, its focus is on the intrinsic value of assessment as a means of improving student learning.

The Assessment Committee supports student learning outcomes assessment by facilitating college-based activities and discussion, and by consulting with and providing guidance to departments, disciplines, and other units undergoing program review. The committee seeks to foster engagement in student learning outcomes assessment by encouraging dialogue related to pedagogy and curriculum and supporting college-wide assessment efforts.

The overall goal of the committee is to improve student success and learning, thus helping the College fulfill its educational mission. The assessment process provides the college with evidence that allows it to strengthen the content and delivery of its curriculum and services by identifying areas of strength and areas for improvement. Assessment is more meaningful and likely to lead to improvement when students are committed to learning and the faculty and staff who deliver the programs and services own the process.​

Meeting Dates: The Committee meets on the 1st Friday of the month from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Digital Library, room 409. All are welcome.

Committee Co-Chairs

Denise Kruizenga-Muro – Riverside Assessment Coordinator, Associate Professor, English​ | (951) 222-8618
Rosa Rodriguez-Frazier - Associate Professor, Dance | (951) 222-8234

Wendy McEwen – Dean, Institutional Effectiveness

Approved Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
September 1, 2023 Agenda / Minutes

May 5, 2023

Agenda / Minutes

April 7, 2023

Agenda / Minutes
March 3, 2023 Agenda / Minutes
December 2, 2022 Agenda / Minutes
November 4, 2022 Agenda / Minutes
October 7, 2022 Agenda / Minutes
September 2, 2022 Agenda / Minutes
April 1, 2022 Agenda / Minutes
March 4, 2022 Agenda / Minutes
December 5, 2021 Agenda / Minutes
November 5, 2021 Agenda / Minutes
September 3, 2021 Agenda / Minutes
June 4, 2021 Agenda / Minutes
May 7, 2021 Agenda / Minutes
April 2, 2021​ Agenda / Minutes
March 5, 2021​ Agenda / Minutes
December​ 4, 2020​ Agenda / Minutes
November​ 6, 2020 Agenda / Minutes