Faculty Development Resources
The Glenn Hunt Center for Teaching Excellence
At Riverside City College, the Glenn Hunt Center for Teaching Excellence has a variety of resources for faculty to utilize while pursuing their professional development activities.
Several desktop computers are available for use in the Faculty Computer Lab, with connection to printers. We also offer a quiet, student-free, space to prepare for class, grade assignments, or take a break between classes.
Resources at faculty members' disposal include, but are not limited to:
- SCANTRON machines, computers, printers
- A small refrigerator, microwave, and coffee machine
- Office supplies (pens, pencils, paperclips, Post-It notes, etc.)
Contact Us
Hours: Center Hours - Same as the library building hours | Support Staff Hours - Monday - Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Location: DL 403, Fourth floor of the Salvatore G. Rotella Digital Library
Faculty Resources
Academic Senate
Institutional Effectiveness
Professional Growth & Sabbatical Leave
RCCD Faculty Association
Associate Faculty Resources
Part-Time Faculty Unemployment A Step-By-Step Guide
Part-Time Faculty Professional Development Hours and Submission Information
Unemployment Insurance for Part-Time Faculty
FLEX Forms
Application for FLEX Credit for an On-Campus Event
Department Discipline FLEX Request Form
Discipline Facilitator Request Form
Equity Statement and Criteria
Flex Event Sign-In Sheet
AVID AI in Higher Education Professional Learning Series: OVERVIEW
Faculty members: the Faculty Development committee is pleased to share that we have partnered with AVID and GIA (Growing Inland Achievement) to offer a professional learning series on AI in Higher Education. The dates and titles of all of the workshops in the series can be found below. We will ask that you RSVP for each session you plan to attend, so that we can send you the zoom link and materials for each session in advance.
Participants should also sign up for AI accounts as these will be hands-on workshops.
Here are recommendations from AVID:
- ChatGPT-https://chatgpt.com
- Microsoft CoPilot-www.bing.com
- Perplexity Google-www.perplexity.ai
Fridays, 9am-12pm, ZOOM
- February 21, 2025: Introduction to AI in Higher Education: Exploring the Basics and Potential for College Teaching
- March 7, 2025: Empowering Critical Thinkers: Leveraging AI in Higher Education
- March 21, 2025: AI and the Reading Process—Supporting Reading Comprehension with AI Technology (RSVP
- Recording link - posted after the session
- Handout link
- April 4, 2025: Integrating AI into the Writing Process (RSVP #4)
- April 25, 2025: Harnessing AI for Enhanced Collaboration in the College Classroom (RSVP #5)
- May 9, 2025: Crafting Engaging Lessons with AI in Higher Education (RSVP #6)
These workshops are open to part-time and full-time faculty members. They will count as 3-hours of general FLEX each. Please note: if you attend these sessions live on Zoom, we will enter your participation into FLEX tracker automatically (you do not need to do anything). However, if you are unable to attend and view the recording at a later date, you will need to upload the activity as an individual activity in FLEX tracker yourself. As the evidence, please just submit a brief summary of what you learned and / or how you will use it in your teaching practice, etc.
Servingness Discussion Series
Good morning! I am writing on behalf of the Faculty Development committee to invite you to join in a series of discussions this semester to unpack what it means to put the “S” in HSI at Riverside City College using scholarly resources and support recommended by Dr. Gina Garcia, our Fall FLEX day speaker. This was also the theme of our Spring FLEX keynote by Dr. Aguilar-Hernández.
EVERYONE is invited to participate and representatives from all of these groups will facilitate at least one discussion during this academic year-- classified professionals, faculty, managers, and students! One hour of equity-focused flex credit is available for each session (for faculty members).
Please see the lovely flyer that we've attached for all of the details. The meetings are during the college hour, from 12:50 - 1:50 pm and refreshments will be served. We will meet in DL-409, which is next to the Glenn Hunt Center on the 4th floor of the Digital Library. If you would like me to add you to a calendar invite for this series, please reply to me directly and I will do that. However, no RSVP is necessary.
March 6, 12:50 – 1:50 pm, facilitated by Araceli Calderón and Audrey Holod
- Race-neutrality and race-consciousness in students’ sensemaking of “servingness” at two Hispanic Serving Institutions.
- https://ecommons.luc.edu/jcshesa/vol6/iss1/5
April 3rd, 12:50 – 1:50 pm, facilitated by Malika Bratton and Natalie Vázquez
- Hispanic-Serving Institutions as racialized organizations: Elevating intersectional consciousness to reframe the “H” in HSI.
- https://doi.org/10.1177/23328584221095074
May 1, 12:50 – 1:50 pm, facilitated by Luis Molina and Virginia White
- A multilevel, agent-centered analysis of intersectionality in a Hispanic-serving institution: The case of college internship access for Latinx students.
- https://doi.org/10.1177/23328584221102162
It is ideal, but not required, that you read the article that will be discussed in advance of the session so that we can have the most productive discussion. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Flex Presentation Archive
Fall 2023
- Brain Development and Dual Enrollment Success Strategies
- CCAP/RECHS Faculty Orientation
- Dashboarding 101
- Equity Through Access (Equity-focused)
- Fall 2023 Prioritization
- IOI Best Practices
- Peer Online Course Review (POCR) Certification for Online Courses
Spring 2023
- Access and Equity with the Disability Resource Center (Equity-focused)
- Best Practices in Equitable Assessment: A Panel Discussion Featuring Faculty and Service Area Professionals (Equity-focused)
- OER (ZTC and LTC)- What’s Ahead in Spring 2023
- Student Engagement in the Classroom: Strategies for the First Day of Class (Equity-focused)
- Fall FLEX 2022 Opening Remarks and Updates; Keynote: “A Community of Cultural Wealth Approach at Riverside Community College District;” and “Reimagining Student Engagement at RCC” (Equity-focused)
- Beyond Validation: Creating a Learning Environment that Fosters the Success of African American Female Students (Equity-focused)
- CurricUNET Training
- Getting Ready for the First Day of Class (Equity-focused)
- Guest Lecturer: Dolores Huerta (Equity-focused)
- Radical Courage: Eric Alva (Equity-focused)
- Reimaging Global Education in a Post Pandemic World: A Study Abroad Guide for Faculty
- Sustainability in the Classroom: Resources to Promote Ecological Stewardship, Green Economics, and Environmental Justice (Equity-focused)
- What It's Like Living as an Indigenous Woman and a Deaf Activist (Equity-focused)
- Creating Internship Programs in Community Colleges
- Keynote Presentation- Equity Minded in California Community College: A Practitioner's Perspective
- Learning Community for Faculty- Centered on Increasing Student Engagement
- NonCredit Presentation
- RCC Equity-Minded Teaching and Learning Institute… What is That
- Strategies to Support Student Parents at RCC
- Student Climate Survey and Equity Audit Key Findings
- Supporting Student Wellness
- Understanding Ethnic Studies and the New CSU Requirement
- Accessibility Tools Overview
- Dr. Isaac Address
- Equity Audit
- Exploring Academic Support Resources Online
- Flex Keynote
- LGBTQIA2+ Community in the Classroom and Beyond
- Moving the Needle on STEM Retention and Persistence
- New Instructional Tools
- New Features in Canvas
- Pitfalls and Solutions for Accessibility
- Returning to the Classroom with Canvas
- Sustainability Champions
- Wednesday General Session
Important Forms and Documents for Faculty
Academic Dishonesty
Application For Faculty Learning Funds
Faculty Guide
Student Handbook
Important Links
Faculty Development Committee